


When you make money, it means that you are sensible. When you make money back with money, you have already succeeded. When you can make money with face, you are already a character. When you still stay there drinking, bragging, and you don't understand and pretend to understand. When you only love the so-called face, it shows that you have been in this life.


Making money depends on opportunities and success depends on credibility. If others give up, you will have to shoot.


Eggs break from the outside and are food, breaking from within is life. Life is also.


Everything must be fully prepared before it is done. Even if there is originally a force of one hundred who is enough to accomplish something, it is necessary to store two hundred strengths to attack instead of just betting.


Although the bad guys should be prepared for protection, the bad guys are after all a minority. People can't just waste food, and they can't prevent even a few bad guys from even being friends.


Keeping a low profile can prevent the tree from attracting people's attention and avoid becoming a target for others' offense. If you don't show up too much, you will not provoke others' hostility, and others will not be able to capture your actual situation.


The miserable life is the best exercise in my life. Especially as a salesman, I learned a lot and learned a lot of things. All this, I can't buy it with 10 billion 10 billion.


Not every thing in the world is money that can be solved, but there are indeed many things that need money to solve.




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