超越自己,向自己挑战,向弱项挑战,向懒惰挑战,向陋习挑战。我们给同学们整理了一些高中生青春励志语录,希望同学们可以好好利用哦!1 回忆很美,尽管过程艰辛:也许结果总有遗憾,但我们无愧于心。Memori



Memories are beautiful, although the process is arduous: Maybe the result is always regrettable, but we are unconcerned.

2. 送报晓金鸡,看今年硕果飘香迎佳绩,迎吉祥犬吠,待明朝笑傲高考创辉煌。

Send a report to the Golden Rooster and watch the results of this year's fruit fragrance to welcome the good fortune, welcome the lucky dog, and wait for the Ming Dynasty to laugh proudly to create brilliant.

3. 滴水穿石战高考如歌岁月应无悔,乘风破浪展雄才折桂蟾宫当有时。

Dripping water to wear a stone-throwing college entrance examination should be no regrets for the years.

4. 砺志报亲,拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;笑书人生,携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。

Zhi-Zhou's newspaper quotes a family member and fights hard for years. The book of laughter and life, and the expectation of their parents in the back-water battle, will win the title.

5. 不管你的老师如何,学着喜欢他,这样有助于你对他所教的学科的学习。

Whatever your teacher, learning to love him will help you learn about the subject he teaches.

6. 不要以为到高三下学期学习还来得及,下学期几乎就是模拟考的天下。

Do not think that it is too late to study in the third semester. The next semester is almost the world of simulation exams.

7. 一模的确重要,但千万不要在一模后松了一口气,高考之前什么都有可能发生。

It is indeed important to be a model, but don’t be relieved after the first shot. Everything can happen before the college entrance examination.

8. 对于语文英语的一些非笔头作业,不要因为作业多而不做,否则你一定会后悔,语文复习有一个必要环节就是记字音字形和成语的意思。

For some non-written English language assignments, do not do it because there are too many assignments. Otherwise, you will regret it. A necessary part of the language review is to remember the characters and idioms.

9. 英语基础薄弱的同学,一定要把必考单词读过三遍以上,多背短文。

Students with a weak English background must read the test word more than three times and send more short essays.

10. 名列前茅是银,日新月异是金。

Silver is among the best, and gold is changing with each passing day.

11. 平日从严,高考坦然。

It is strict on weekdays and the entrance examination is frank.

12. 无才无以立足,不苦不能成才。

Without talent, there is no way to gain a foothold.

13. 乐学实学,挑战高考;勤勉向上,成就自我。

Learn to study, challenge the college entrance examination;

14. 山高不厌攀,水深不厌潜,学精不厌苦:追求!

Shan Gao is not tired of climbing, the depth of the water is not lagging behind, learning is not tired of: the pursuit!

15. 忘时,忘物,忘我;诚实,朴实,踏实。

Forgetful, forgetful, forgetful; honest, down-to-earth, practical.




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