在这个寒假同学们可以多看一下优秀的课外书籍来题高自己的阅读能力!那么,小编给同学们分享一下高中生寒假优秀课外书籍吧!好书推荐:《汤姆 索亚历险记》作者:马克·吐温马克·吐温(1835—1910),美国









Old dogs learn new tricks.


It is impossible for young people to feel relaxed and happy for a long time.

(3)孩子不打不成器。 汤姆索亚历险记名言语录。

Children do not fight improver. Tom Sawyer's Adventures Quotations.


Naughty raindrops love the most enjoyable dance on the umbrella.


Splash from the bow of the spray, singing the joy of children.


Tree stitches also leaked one or two-way light, sluggish, is the thirsty sleepy eyes.


It took off the worn out coat and started a new life; it greedily sucked the fresh, sweet dewdrops of spring, slowly growing cute twigs and green leaves.


Midsummer night, the breeze blowing slowly, the moon chase the moon, climbed the hill early, hanging in the sky, it seems to bring a cool moonlight, driving away the cool days left behind by the heat.


When the autumn was over, the golden red fruit of the tree showed a smile, and she nodded toward us and smiled.


Begonia shake its rounded face, smiling at you.


Life is too boring for him, living only a burden.


To get an adult or a child longing for something, just try to make it difficult to get things done.


"Work" is what a person is forced to do, and "play" is something a person has no obligation to do.


Knowledge is precious and worth more than all the world's wealth. With knowledge, you can be great and be good.


When the sad water flows into the stable mountain, the sadness of water, the pitiful child, also arouses the sadness of the mountain, so their heart is broken together. The water drops into the ground while the mountain collects the fragments of heart. So there is a complicated cave puzzle, there are different Stalagmites, there is a sudden sudden spring water.


The home is like a root, a tree that is always a leaf. A home is like a red cloth strip, always attached to a wanderer's heart. A home is like an overcoat. It does not raise the temperature, but gives people the warmth that can not be replaced by a stove.


Students like a long trip, there are smooth road trip also detours, you have a calm state of mind team every day, challenge themselves, persistent forward, as always, toward the destination go. When you arrive at the terminus of the stopover, you will find that the journey of life is full of joys and sorrows, tears and even less loss. And all this constitutes the full journey of your life.




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